Marriage, Working Woman

That Asian Wife with a White Man

This one is controversial—and writing this is a bold step that I feel compelled to do. I understand what many people know. Yes, I have seen old white men holding hands with Asian girls--girls who seem like they should still be in school. I’ve read about the incredulous reality of Asian mail-order brides, and I… Continue reading That Asian Wife with a White Man

Working Woman

Happy International Women’s Day

To the girl who is unsmiling, assertive and knowledgeable, but called a bitch for it. To the girl who is judged for wearing too much makeup, and the girl that is told she needs to look more “like a girl.” To the girl who dares to work hard in “a man’s world” and has to… Continue reading Happy International Women’s Day


Dear Single Girls on Valentine’s

Even the bravest, most independent and accomplished single female I know still gets affected by the Hallmark spectacle that is Valentine’s Day. In the five years of my stubborn single-hood, I played with multiple approaches to survive this dreadful day. These include but are not limited to the following: mocking it, denying it, defying it… Continue reading Dear Single Girls on Valentine’s

Fitness, Positivity, Working Woman

Confessions of a Body Shamer

I write this while my fitness ball stares at me. Earlier, I was working out at home to burn calories and get to work on the body I want. Let me repeat that: the body I want. My husband would tell me, almost repeatedly to my selectively-deaf ears: there’s nothing wrong with my body and… Continue reading Confessions of a Body Shamer

Working Woman

11 Things I’ll Do After Quitting My Job

Yes, I'm "retiring" at the age of 33. After working nonstop since 2005 with a career that spanned real estate, telecommunications, retail, beauty and finance industries within the country's top corporations, I am taking a halt to move with my husband in our new adventure at the Middle East. Two months ago, I applied for an early… Continue reading 11 Things I’ll Do After Quitting My Job